
Showing posts from September, 2020

Can you get a kidney infection from stress?

We all encounter stress, and it is part of one’s life. But it is scientifically proven that too much stress leads to poor health by increasing your blood pressure and damaging the kidneys. One should learn about the impact of stress on health and finding ways to manage it. By managing the stress, you can keep your kidneys healthy and live a flourishing life. Stress Stress is a condition that occurs from anything that can upset or disturb your mindset for a particular period. It can be physiological (damage in physical form) or psychological (damage was done on the mental condition). Individuals who are living with chronic illnesses such as kidney disease should learn about the reason for having chronic kidney disease and the source of the stress. Psychological stress is something that most of the individual face in their everyday life. The psychological stress can be the result of a positive or emotionally challenging result. A positive result such as marriage and children and em

How do I detox my kidneys?

Detoxification is the key to satisfy our souls during this quarantine and lock down period. Everyone knows about the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus and so the lock-down. In such implementations, the foodies who use to binge eat and explore new flavors are missing out on the fun. The greatest excuse to fight this anxiety is detoxification. So, this piece of content is dedicated to all such foodies that can do nothing but watch the previous pictures and videos. So, have you ever considered the health factor while exploration? Did this thought cross your mind that maybe you should think of your inner body? If yes, it's excellent because you must be considering the ways to fight back the consequence. If not, you might have to start thinking now. Kidneys are the two essential organs of the human anatomy that filters every food particle that the body has consumed. It filters gallons of blood every day just to ensure the healthy functioning of the human body. Glomeruli are the tiny bu

How Kidney Disease Affect the Body?

The significance of kidneys is nothing alien to the population. Also, the losses a human meets after any kidney disease is life-threatening. In this article, you will get to read all the major effects kidney disease has on a human body. Kidney health and disease Kidneys are the two bean-shaped organs working unlike their size. Kidneys play a very significant role in keeping the human body healthy as they have many crucial responsibilities under them. Apart from the filtration of waste, excess water, and other toxins from the blood, they take care of pH balance, level of electrolytes and other nutrients, regulation of RBC producing hormones, and activation of vitamin D. Presently, the number of people affected by kidney disease is in millions and trillions all around the world. Kidneys are said to be diseased when they can no longer perform their functions without any hindrance to which doctors suggest the use of dialysis and in major severity, a kidney transplant. However, kidney

Can Vitamin D Damage Kidneys?

Generally, we hear that kidneys help the body in bringing vitamin D to its active form. But, is it possible that vitamin D can cause any kind of damage to the kidneys. It has been seen that the excess consumption of vitamin D can make the kidneys damaged. Therefore, it is advised by doctors all around the world to be cautious with vitamin D consumption. When a human gets a habit of vitamin D intake or through any means if the body gets a high amount of this vitamin, it results in the calcium buildup in the blood. This calcium causes some major damage to the kidneys. It might result in the malfunctioning of kidneys to the extent that it might require dialysis. The medical literature holds information about the rare toxicity of vitamin D due to its therapeutic range. The excess amount of vitamin D could bring your functioning capacity as low as 30% from normal. This big amount of vitamin D doesn’t only accumulate in the blood but also in some other parts of the kidneys. The toxicity of

What is the first sign of kidney problems?

Kidneys are the indispensable pair of organs in the human body and we cannot imagine a human body without kidneys. The reason is, this pair of organs plays several roles in keeping and making the human body work smoothly that leads to a healthy state. Healthy kidneys perform a large number of functions, some of the major functions are:- Blood filtration Excretion of wastes and impurities through the urine Managing blood pressure Releasing some hormones that trigger red blood cells production Maintaining the body’s fluid balance by eliminating excess fluid Making bones healthy and strong When kidney functionality falls impaired, they become incapable to perform these functions, partially or completely. In their initial diseased condition, kidney diseases are asymptomatic but if we look closely, there is an initial sign that you may notice in kidney disease. Yes, whenever your kidneys fall impaired, your urine gets more bubbly or frothy. It occurs because your urin

How to avoid medical treatment for kidney diseases with Ayurveda?

The kidneys are an integral part of the human renal system that works day and night for the wellbeing of the human body. The natural blood-filtering units alienate the waste & toxins from the blood and provide the heart with purified blood for further circulation. The pair of organs has a crucial job other than blood filtration; they assist in the production of red blood cells, thyroid hormones, maintenance of fluid levels, and pH balance. If we dig more about their functioning, we can find more roles. Let us now discuss how to help with the prevention of kidney disease and allopathic treatment with the help of Ayurveda. Kidneys come in contact with everything that we inhale, eat, drink, and apply to the body. The contact is indirect but intense. The chemicals and nutrients released by the consumption of anything by the body affect the functioning. If we discuss about kidney diseases then these are the obstructions in the healthy functioning of not only kidneys but the entire r

What is the best remedy for renal failure?

Renal failure is one of the issues due to which the morbidity and the mortality rate are getting affected widely. It is important that a proper assessment of the issue of renal failure is done so that the damage can be revised. In allopathic treatment, the challenges are huge and cannot be met by everyone due to which they are bound to suffer in the worst way. These challenges could be either the availability of the needful resources for the treatment or the ability of the patient to afford the treatment. The difficulties of kidney patients do not end here.  Even if the treatment is afforded and is available then comes the complications or the aftermaths of the treatment process. It is not necessary that all patients attain benefits out of the treatment and hence there could be sufferings. Moreover, allopathic treatment refers to renal failure as an irreversible condition but the statement has been contradicted by the Ayurveda and many Ayurvedic kidney doctors in Delhi and in the world

Simple Guidance for You in Cure for Renal Failure!

What is Renal Failure? Renal failure is also known as the renal inefficiency to perform its natural functions. In this disorder, your kidneys suddenly become incapable of removing toxins and excess fluids from your blood. That may create many health-related complications for your body. Your kidneys may lose their ability to eliminate unwanted materials and also help your body in balancing the fluids, electrolytes, and even control the production of red blood cells in your body. These problems may coincide and within a particular period. The symptoms of this disorder are difficult to identify, and sometimes they are not specified to kidney disorder. When you reach your doctor for the treatment of this health condition, then they may recommend an artificial procedure – kidney dialysis is suggested by them to perform all the natural functions of your kidneys. If kidney dialysis is not able to rectify your health condition, your doctor may prescribe your kidney transplant as the therap