How Kidney Disease Affect the Body?

The significance of kidneys is nothing alien to the population. Also, the losses a human meets after any kidney disease is life-threatening. In this article, you will get to read all the major effects kidney disease has on a human body.

Kidney health and disease

Kidneys are the two bean-shaped organs working unlike their size. Kidneys play a very significant role in keeping the human body healthy as they have many crucial responsibilities under them. Apart from the filtration of waste, excess water, and other toxins from the blood, they take care of pH balance, level of electrolytes and other nutrients, regulation of RBC producing hormones, and activation of vitamin D.

Presently, the number of people affected by kidney disease is in millions and trillions all around the world. Kidneys are said to be diseased when they can no longer perform their functions without any hindrance to which doctors suggest the use of dialysis and in major severity, a kidney transplant. However, kidney diseases can be better treated with Ayurvedic and natural procedures. There are different types of kidney diseases such as chronic kidney disease, acute kidney damage, kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome, urinary tract infections, and many more. These damages have some major impact on the health of a person. Read below.

Effects of kidney disease on the human body

The damage to the kidneys simultaneously results in the loss of some other organs and results in major health loss as well. Given below is a small list of contradictory effects of kidney damage or diseases.

  • Anemia
  • Depression
  • Problems in heart and blood vessel
  • Bone damage
  • Malnutrition
  • Kidney failure

Kidney disease may result in a shortage of blood in the human body leading to anemia. In the condition of anemia, the count of red blood cells goes down. The hemoglobin count also decreases and low hematocrit can also be seen. Tiredness, breath shortness, low energy, dizziness, and quick heartbeats can be seen as the symptoms of the anemia. People suffering from a chronic type of kidney failure have a low amount of iron in the body due to which the formation of red blood cells does not take place as iron is the primary need for RBC’s formation.

Kidney disease, most of the time makes a person emotionally weak and might result in depression. The signs of being depressed can be seen as feeling sad or mostly irritable, loss of appetite, a habit of crying which is not normal, always feeling overwhelmed and feeling to “give up” anytime, less or no interest in things that you used to love prior, and sometimes developing the feeling of shame. This condition can be treated with proper medication and counseling or both.

Some major impact of kidney disease can be seen on heart health and blood vessels. Once a person develops kidney disease, he or she goes on the high risk of cardiac events, blood circulation issues, and strokes. This can be the result of chronic kidney disease or due to high blood pressure and diabetes which are the major risk factors of CKD. A person with this effect of kidney disease on his or her body may feel pain in the chest, pain while walking, poor healing capacity of wounds, and breathing shortness. With the worsening of the kidney disease, the worsening of blood pressure takes place. However, the blood pressure of a person should be less than 140/90mmHg when he or she has no protein in the urine. In the case of protein in the urine, the ideal blood pressure should be less than 130/80mmHg.

Any damage in the kidneys also results in bone damage, this happens because with the advancement and progression in the kidney disease the level of calcium began to go down. The level of phosphorus also begins to increase. With all these situations of the internal imbalance in the nutrition, there comes an elevation in the parathyroid hormone (PTH). Moreover, along with the progression of kidney disease the activation of vitamin D in food also does not take place and causes bone damage. This makes it really easy for the bones to meet fractures. In order to treat this condition, calcium supplements can be taken. Also, it is necessary to decrease the level of phosphorus from the food. Phosphorus binders will also be helpful.

With kidney disease and poor functioning, the human body loses some significant nutrients and energy that makes body malnutrition. This also increases the risk of infections and makes the healing capacity of the wounds poor. Albumin is said to be the nutrition marker for the body. However, in some kidney diseases albumin gets expelled out through urine and results in malnutrition. In order to battle against malnutrition, it is important to eat a balanced diet.

Lastly, when the kidneys do not get the timely or proper treatment they result in kidney failure. Sometimes kidney failure can also be the result of some persistent kidney issues. However, all these losses can be restored with the help of Ayurveda and its herbal and natural guidelines.

Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment in the Delhi


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