What is the first sign of kidney problems?
Kidneys are the indispensable pair of organs in the human body and we cannot imagine a human body without kidneys. The reason is, this pair of organs plays several roles in keeping and making the human body work smoothly that leads to a healthy state. Healthy kidneys perform a large number of functions, some of the major functions are:-
- Blood filtration
- Excretion of wastes and impurities through the urine
- Managing blood pressure
- Releasing some hormones that trigger red blood cells production
- Maintaining the body’s fluid balance by eliminating excess fluid
- Making bones healthy and strong
When kidney functionality falls impaired, they become incapable to perform these functions, partially or completely. In their initial diseased condition, kidney diseases are asymptomatic but if we look closely, there is an initial sign that you may notice in kidney disease. Yes, whenever your kidneys fall impaired, your urine gets more bubbly or frothy. It occurs because your urine contains an excess amount of protein at this health state. When your kidney functionality gets affected, they lose their capacity to hold and return the necessary protein amount.
The presence of excess protein in your urine or you can say that more than the normal amount of protein in urine is the first sign that appears in kidney problems. The main problem with this sign is that this sign can’t be easily detected by normal eyes. It is the most problematic condition and if a patient notices protein leakage for a long time, he will become weak. With passing time, the patient’s condition gets worse and he may notice many other health symptoms and complications.
At this phase of time, he will start noticing some other symptoms like abdomen pain, weakness, or tiredness all the time, loss of appetite, fatigue, sleeping problems, urination problems, and many more.
These symptoms take place when your kidneys become incapable of carrying out their natural functions efficiently. So, you can understand how severe the condition is and that’s why it’s necessary to cure kidney problems as soon as possible to get relieved from these complications efficiently.
But before that, you need to go through some medical tests that can determine your exact health condition. Those lab tests are Urinalysis, Blood tests, Screening Tests, and Biopsy.
As per your current complications, your doctor suggests you undergo some of these lab tests. These tests aim to detect the remaining health and functioning capacity of your kidneys. Based on the reports of these tests, your doctor confirms what is the possibility of your recovery and how long it will take.
In kidney problems, Allopathy takes the help of some heavy drug composing medicines, dialysis, and transplant for critical cases. Though this treatment utilizes such complex treatment procedure it doesn’t provide a permanent cure due to its working principle. In fact, Allopathic treatment targets only the complications of a health condition and suppresses them for some time. This treatment doesn’t have the potential to restore the damaged internal section of the body. In kidney disease treatment, Allopathy uses the same principle, as a result, it doesn’t offer a permanent cure. Apart from that, the prolonged use of Allopathic treatment in kidney problems may turn fatal for the patient. On the other hand, if we talk about Ayurveda, it is a natural and the most efficient treatment or all sorts of health disorders. This treatment system targets the roots of disease and tries to cure it with the help of some natural herbs and a few traditional therapies. Besides, this natural treatment also suggests a patient follow a kidney-friendly diet and some yogic exercises.
Ayurvedic treatment for kidney problems helps in alleviating complications and simultaneously it also restores the damaged portion of the kidneys. Consequently, it sets you free from kidney complications and also makes your kidneys as healthy as a normal person.
If you are noticing primary or further signs of kidney problems, you should choose the best Ayurvedic kidney treatment that will provide you permanent and risk-free cure.
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