Can you get a kidney infection from stress?
We all encounter stress, and it is part of one’s life. But it is scientifically proven that too much stress leads to poor health by increasing your blood pressure and damaging the kidneys. One should learn about the impact of stress on health and finding ways to manage it. By managing the stress, you can keep your kidneys healthy and live a flourishing life. Stress Stress is a condition that occurs from anything that can upset or disturb your mindset for a particular period. It can be physiological (damage in physical form) or psychological (damage was done on the mental condition). Individuals who are living with chronic illnesses such as kidney disease should learn about the reason for having chronic kidney disease and the source of the stress. Psychological stress is something that most of the individual face in their everyday life. The psychological stress can be the result of a positive or emotionally challenging result. A positive result such as marriage and children and em...